I have always been drawn to the vibrant, energetic nature of hummingbirds. These tiny creatures are a joy to photograph, but they can also present a unique set of challenges. Here are 5 tips for taking great photos of hummingbirds in flight.
Shiny chainlink fencing in front of an otherwise stunning portrait of a lion is a major bummer. Eliminating fencing not only gets rid of this eyesore in your images, but is another critical factor separating your photos from those of the average zoo visitor. I give 4 easy steps you need to take in order to prevent fencing from ruining your otherwise great shots.
The debate among photographers on using RAW vs. JPEG image formats has raged since the dawn of digital photography. Below I discuss three common knocks against shooting RAW, and share my thoughts on the RAW vs. JPEG debate, particularly as it applies to zoo photography.
With the current pandemic that’s placed a wet blanket on travel, I’ve been doing a lot more animal photography at my local zoo, Utah’s Hogle Zoo. Just a quick plug for them, Hogle Zoo is an incredibly well-run zoo with excellent and interesting animal habitats for photography. Below are my five tips in setting up a Nikon DSLR for zoo photography that have worked great for me.
Gorillas are incredible subjects to photograph, conveying power, intensity and majesty. Below are five simple tips to help increase your odds of successfully photographing them the next time you’re at the zoo.
I would like to share a few tips on photographing some of the animals at the Omaha zoo. The Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha Nebraska usually ranks as one of the greatest in the world. The zoo is well-laid out in basically a large circle, and is very walkable aside from a few gradual slopes. In my opinion, the first thing to do is check out Hubbard Gorilla Valley.